2016 Announcements

CLINUVEL Newsletter – August 2016

16 August 2016

In the arduous journey from explorative concept to development to commercial availability of the novel molecular entity – SCENESSE® afamelanotide 16mg)1 – one may become engrossed in the processes leading to the desired outcome. The ultimate goal of changing people’s lives is what drives us at Clinuvel and our team is constantly surprised by the dramatic feedback from patients stating that they are now to able to lead a life they never could imagine. It is one thing to understand the impairment endured by erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP) patients but it is another thing to actually live with the restriction. Our teams have genuinely understood over the years what EPP patients go through daily, and we wholeheartedly revel in the choice to treat these patients. Most certainly, it has been my aspiration and the ultimate goal of the Clinuvel team to commercially release SCENESSE® to the entire EPP patient population.

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